neljapäev, 24. juuli 2008

Minu mõttemaailm ja selle väljendused, kui ma olen surmväsinud.

See tekst sai postitatud ThinkGeeki 46.4 second survey'sse, kuna ma ei viitsinud enam uurida ei ülikooli, ega korteri asju. Ei viitsi seda eesti keelde ümber panna... kell on peaaegu 2.

Schweet. Yeah, that about sums it up. Problem is, if it weren't for you, I'd have no reason to postpone looking for an apartment to live in in Tartu, where I'm going to go for University (don't know what I'm gonna learn though...).

What? It say's "Rants" right here (at least on Safari on a AMD-PC based OS X86 w/ 1280x1024 res, window max width):

Sign on the server rack door in my old school and working place:

"Bitte atention!
This room is fullfilled mit special electronische equippment. Fingergrabbing and pressing the cnoeppkes from the computers is allowed for die experts only! So all the "lefthanders" stay away and do not disturben the brainstorming von here working intelligencies. Otherwise you will be out thrown and kicked anderswhere!
also: please keep still and only watschen astaunished the blinkenlights."

Dunno who owns the copyright, pretty sure that it's from one of the previous admins and students, what with the school having a deepened German syllabus and all...

Whoo, I can already see tomorrows hangover. Not. 'cuz I'm not drunk, as anyone who's bored enough to read it this far would have guessed. I'm just tired as hell. Good night.

@Copyleft All Wrongs Reserved.

PS: Hey! This took way more than 46.4 seconds! cheats...

Oh, and PS: I bent my finger backwards today. It hurt. I was doing a gymnastics manouver. I'm gonna do the gymnastics thing again. I'm an idiot. Not for doing it again, but because I failed to plant my hand correctly and thus leaned 1250 N of force on my thumb. When considering the difference of length between the joint and the tip of my thumb and between the joint and the attaching point of the tendon, it means that my tendons are really strong, not snapping under 12500 N of tension. Whoo!

See kõik on muuseas tõsi. ehkki ma ei ole praegusel kellaajal enam oma füüsikas kuigi kindel... võibolla võtsid teised sõrmed ka osa mu raskusest enda kanda... aga samas, käsi läks hooga maha... ma teen seda jälle. Kurat. Ja ma ei peaks kurat ütlema, see on nõme.

Saate nüüd aru, kust sellised mõttekäigud alguse saavad ja kuhu välja võivad jõuda... ei vist ei saa aga mul suht suva hetkel. Hommikul vaatan, äkki võtan selle postituse maha. Whoo! kell saab kohe kaks. Ma trükin veel midagi, siis ma saan täpselt kell kaks postitada. Suht mõttetu, aga ... hmm... suva see.

PS: mu pöial valutab ikka veel.

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