Olen erinevates blogides komistanud sõna Jeebus otsa. Pmst, Jeebusesse usuvad need, kes püüavad piiblit endale kasulikult tõlgendada. See oleks sõna praktiline rakendus.
Loomulikult on Jeebus ka avalik pilkealune.
Urban Dictionary-l on selle kohta öelda niipalju:
"Jeebus was born over 2000 years ago and started the religion of Crustianity. Jeebus Crust is the son of Gosh and part of the Holy 3-Some (or Ménage à Trois). Jeebus was born to Bloody Mary, a virgin, by a miracle of the Spirit of Truthiness. The Holy Babble gives an account of an angel visiting Bloody Mary to tell her that she was chosen to bare the Son of Gosh. "
Eestis on asi isegi põhjalikumalt ette võetud ja avaldatud Jeebuse elust pajatav "Jeebuse Püha Liibil" (www.hot.ee/liibil), küllaltki humoorikas, kerge Rehepaliku maiguga.
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